Cupping and Soft Tissue Mobilization

This is a great alternative for those who want all the benefits of dry needling, but are wary of needles. Cupping therapy utilizes a local suction to mobilize the soft tissues, promoting blood and lymphatic flow, and helping the body heal faster. It increases blood circulation to help relieve muscle tension, benefiting cell repair without pain or invasive needles.

Cupping can help to alleviate pain by increasing blood flow to the affected area and promoting healing.

Cupping therapy offers a unique approach to managing discomfort, working wonders by enhancing blood flow to areas in need, which in turn, supports the body's natural healing processes. This ancient technique, grounded in the wisdom of traditional medicine, gently pulls at the skin, creating a vacuum that encourages a surge of blood to the targeted zone. This increased circulation brings along fresh oxygen and nutrients, crucial for repair and recovery, making it an effective method for easing various types of pain, from chronic aches to the acute discomforts that interrupt our daily lives.

Dr. Marvin Hayag, DPT, NCPT will take great care of you! By fostering a state of deep relaxation, this therapy not only helps to soothe the immediate feeling of tightness but also improves overall circulation within the body. As blood flow is enhanced, muscles receive the nourishment they need to release tension and recover from the strain.

Schedule your session online or by calling/texting 305-446-6899.